Four of a Kind Podcast

Season One Finale

Four of a Kind Season 1 Episode 25

This week marks our 25th Episode!!!  It also marks our Season One Finale!

It has been an honor to share our love of business and entrepreneurship with you. And while 25 sounds like a lot of episodes, we still have so much more coming your way for Season Two this fall.

Our season finale is another "What We Learned" episode.  In this episode, not only do we explore what we learned from our guests, particularly Rachna, MJ, and Zoi, but also what we learned as podcasters (i.e. baby entrepreneurs) starting a new venture and what we learned about ourselves taking on this new challenge.

We have enjoyed every second of building our podcast community and can't wait to continue this fall.  In the meantime, please continue to reach out, engage, and share ideas.  Email us at and follow us on Instagram for updates! And finally, don’t forget to hit subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.

Thanks everyone for your support and stay tuned for Season Two of Four of a Kind Podcast!