Four of a Kind Podcast

Entrepreneurship in a COVID World - Turning Challenges into Successes

Four of a Kind Season 2 Episode 23

This week’s episode is a check-in with some of the wonderful female founders we interviewed on prior episodes of Four of a Kind Podcast.  We wanted to see how they were holding up during COVID and also how their businesses were faring with such a major shift in the way we are conducting business during the pandemic.   

We asked our guests to answer the same four questions about the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses, and during the episode we share their answers with you.

  1. How has COVID impacted your business? What changes, if any, have you had to make in the short term?
  2. What have you learned so far from this experience?
  3. What surprised you the most about your business / your team / yourself during this time?
  4. Is there anything that you have had to do differently that you might keep doing?

Note: We recorded this episode earlier this summer - we know the entrepreneurs we discussed have been managing their response to COVID realtime, so please make sure to checkout their platforms for the latest on new projects, products, and updates.

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